St. Alban's Episcopal

Bovina, Mississippi


Services Live Streamed,

Weekly Schedule


Eucharist, Rite I, 8:30 am
Adults & Children Sunday School, 10:00 am
Eucharist, Rite II, 11:00 am (Livestreamed)


Lenten Supper Series, March 12-April 9, 6:00 pm


12 Steps to Spiritual Wholeness, 7:00 am

Ultreya, noon

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, March 9th

First Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist, 8:30 & 11:00 am

Sunday, March 16th

Second Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist, 8:30 & 11:00 am

Sunday, March 23th

Third Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist, 8:30 & 11:00 am

Sunday, March 30th

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist, 8:30 & 11:00 am









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