St. Alban's Episcopal

Bovina, Mississippi



The Rev. Elisabeth Malphurs, Rector


Sharon Hanks, Senior Warden (2026)

Bobby Barlow, Junior Warden (2027)

Harvey Smith (2026)

Judy Gavin (2027)

Judy Morrissey (2027)

Nancy Montague (2028)

Mary Ann Wright(2028)


Nancy Hester, Treasurer

Judy Morrissey, Clerk

Lay Worship Leaders

Richard Price

Betsy Selby

Thomas Skinner

Harvey Smith

Ann Tompkins

David Pruett

Dawn Richard

Carolyn Gent Burton

Our Mission Statement

"... do justice, love mercy,
and walk humbly with our God"
Micah 6:8

Our Rule of Life

We aspire to... worship weekly,
pray daily, learn constantly,
serve joyfully, live generously.