

One definition of stewardship is “everything I do after I say ‘I believe.’” We serve a generous God, and we give of our time, talent, and treasure out of gratitude for everything we have been given. Stewardship is our response to God. It is how we use everything we have been given--not only our material possessions, but our very lives, to further God’s mission.

This year, our stewardship campaign theme is Walk in Love, from Ephesians 5:1-2: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” We are called to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we align, coming together in mission and purpose. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so much more.

You are invited to support St. Alban’s as we walk in love through giving your time, talent, and treasure. Stewardship packets with pledge cards to estimate your giving for next year are available in the church for pick-up and are also mailed to members. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you might support the church and return an estimate of your giving by November 1. If you prefer, you can submit your pledge online by clicking the button below for your financial pledge.






Thank you for considering giving to support St. Alban’s! Our church is entirely self-supported, and we welcome one-time and recurring gifts to further our ministry. You may mail donations to 5930 Warriors Trail, Vicksburg, MS 39180. For secure online giving, please click on the donation button.




Time and Talent


Ministers of the church are lay people, deacons, and other words, all of us! It takes all of us working together to fulfill the mission of St. Alban's. Please consider how your gifts and talents might be used in service to the church and world and fill out this Time and Talent Pledge form: